
Writing About Different Topics: A Reflection on Blogging

Writing About Different Topics: A Reflection on Blogging

As a seasoned blogger, I have covered a wide range of topics throughout my writing journey. Starting with random Web Development subjects, I delved into Go, React, Node.js, CSS, HTML, Browser APIs, Next.js, Vue.js, Svelte, databases, Python, Swift, and even electronics and C.

Sometimes, I find myself wanting to explore new topics beyond my usual focus, which is Web Development. After all, my blog is not confined to a single niche like “Web Development.” However, when you write about a particular topic for an extended period, even in broad terms, a sense of responsibility towards your readers begins to form.

I often wonder, what if I choose to write about something different, and people lose interest? Will they stop reading, unsubscribe from the newsletter, or abandon the blog? While I’ve found that readers usually stick around, unless I venture into entirely unrelated territories, it’s essential to maintain a balance.

Looking at the diverse list of topics I’ve covered, you’ll notice a minimal correlation between them, except for their association with programming. However, it’s unlikely that a React developer would be interested in C or CSS. Thus, the overarching focus is on programming, enabling me to write about anything within this scope.

That said, it would be different if I started writing about gardening, dogs, or hiking. Although occasionally, I do touch upon business aspects and content production, they are still interconnected with the main subject matter.

I’ve even pondered the idea of incorporating travel blog posts during my journeys, just to bring something different to the table. However, I hesitate, fearing that it might confuse both readers and search engines like Google.

Regardless, my rule has always been to write what I want. Consistency is key, which is why I strive to publish one post every day. Otherwise, I would have given up a long time ago. If the day comes when I feel compelled to write about traveling, cooking, or anything else, I will do so without hesitation.

Interestingly, when I write about setting up my van for digital nomading across Europe, I receive an overwhelming response from readers. Perhaps it’s because it deviates from the ordinary and adds a touch of uniqueness to their daily lives.

In the near future, I plan to start writing about SwiftUI and iOS development. It’s a topic I’ve contemplated for months, maybe even years, and now feels like the right time to dive in.

Previously, I experimented with writing about subjects I wasn’t particularly passionate about, such as databases. However, my interest fizzled out after a few days. Nevertheless, I believe I can captivate a fraction of my readers by sharing my iOS app ideas, from the planning phase to development and release on the App Store. This content may serve as a catalyst for those with their own iOS app ideas, inspiring them to take the first step.

Am I tired of Web Development? Not at all. Moreover, any iOS app usually requires a web or API counterpart, so I will continue to cover it in my blog. Besides, I genuinely love JavaScript and enjoy programming in general, regardless of the platform or technology. Switching gears and exploring different subjects is a way for me to diversify and maintain high energy levels.

This pattern of shifting focus between different areas has always been my style. I admire individuals who can dedicate years to working on the same thing, but my personality naturally inclines me towards exploring new territories. Embracing my identity as a generalist rather than a specialist in a specific technology has been a liberating realization.