
How to Use a Prop as the Class Name in Vue

How to Use a Prop as the Class Name in Vue

Tags: Vue, Props, Class Binding, Component

When working with Vue components, you may encounter situations where you need to pass a prop and use its value as the class name. This can be useful for dynamically styling components based on specific data. In this blog post, we will look at how to achieve this in Vue.

Let’s say we have a Car component and we want to add a class to its output based on a prop. For example, we may have props like color that we want to use when rendering the component in other parts of our application.

To start, we need to declare the color prop in our Car component. Here’s an example of how this can be done:

export default {
name: 'Car',
props: {
color: String

In this code, we define the color prop as a String type.

Next, we can use the color prop in the template section of our component. To bind the prop value as a class, we use the v-bind directive with the :class attribute. Here’s an example:

<div :class="color"></div>

In this code, the :class attribute dynamically binds the color prop value as the class name for the div element.

If you want to add multiple classes, including a fixed class like car, you can use array syntax within the :class attribute. Here’s an example:

<div :class="['car', color]"></div>

In this code, the ['car', color] array adds the car class alongside the class determined by the color prop.

And there you have it! You now know how to use a prop as the class name in Vue. This technique allows for dynamic styling based on the values of your props.

Happy coding!