
How to Get Query String Values in JavaScript with URLSearchParams

How to Get Query String Values in JavaScript with URLSearchParams

Accessing and modifying query string values is a common task when working with web pages. In JavaScript, we can accomplish this using the URLSearchParams API, which is supported by all modern browsers.

Query Parameters in a URL

A query string is a part of a URL that follows the ? symbol and contains key-value pairs. For example:


In this case, we have two parameters: name with a value of roger, and age with a value of 20.

Accessing Query Parameters in JavaScript

To access the query parameters in a URL using JavaScript, we can create a new instance of the URLSearchParams object and pass the query string part of the URL to it. We can obtain the query string using window.location.search. Here is an example:

const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);

Now, we can perform various operations on the params object to retrieve and manipulate the query parameters.

Retrieving Query Parameters

We can check if a parameter exists by using the has method:


To get the value of a parameter, we can use the get method:


If a parameter can have multiple values, we can use the getAll method to retrieve an array containing all the values:


Iterating Over Query Parameters

To iterate over all the query parameters, we can use a for...of loop:

for (const param of params) {

Alternatively, we can use other methods provided by the URLSearchParams API:

  • forEach - Iterates over the parameters.
  • entries - Returns an iterator containing the key/value pairs of the parameters.
  • keys - Returns an iterator containing the keys of the parameters.
  • values - Returns an iterator containing the values of the parameters.

Modifying Query Parameters

The URLSearchParams API also provides methods to modify the query parameters without changing the URL itself:

  • append - Appends a new parameter to the object.
  • delete - Deletes an existing parameter.
  • set - Sets the value of a parameter.

We can use these methods to update the query string and generate a new one using the toString method.


In this article, we learned how to access and modify query string values in JavaScript using the URLSearchParams API. This API provides a convenient way to work with query parameters and perform various operations on them. Remember to test your code across multiple browsers to ensure compatibility.

Tags: JavaScript, query string, URLSearchParams, web development