
Swift Loops: Exploring the `repeat-while` Loop

Swift Loops: Exploring the repeat-while Loop

Welcome to another installment of our Swift series! In this tutorial, we will be diving into the repeat-while loop. Similar to the while loop, the repeat-while loop executes a block of code repeatedly based on a given condition. However, the key difference lies in the fact that the condition is checked after the loop block is executed. This ensures that the loop block is executed at least once before the condition is evaluated.

The syntax for a repeat-while loop in Swift is as follows:

repeat {
// statements...
} while [condition]

Let’s take a look at an example to better understand how this type of loop works:

var item = 0
repeat {
item += 1
} while item < 3

In this example, the repeat keyword marks the beginning of the loop block. The block is then executed, printing the value of item and incrementing it by 1. After the block is executed, the condition item < 3 is checked. If the condition evaluates to true, the loop block is repeated. This process continues until the condition becomes false.

With the repeat-while loop, we can ensure that a certain block of code runs at least once, regardless of the initial condition. This can be useful in scenarios where we need to validate user inputs or perform some initial setup before engaging in a loop.

So there you have it - a closer look at the repeat-while loop in Swift. Stay tuned for more informative tutorials in our Swift series!

Tags: Swift, Loops, repeat-while