
An In-Depth SVG Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding SVG

An In-Depth SVG Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding SVG

SVG, or Scalable Vector Graphics, is a powerful and versatile image format that has gained popularity in recent years. This tutorial will provide you with an in-depth overview of SVG, explaining all the essential concepts in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.


Despite being standardized in the early 2000s, SVG faced challenges due to poor browser support, especially in older versions of Internet Explorer. However, with the advancement of technology, SVG can now be used safely without relying on fallback solutions, except for a few outdated browsers.

The success of SVG is largely attributed to the increasing need for supporting various screen displays with different resolutions and sizes. SVG images are vector-based, allowing for infinite scalability while maintaining image quality. Unlike raster image formats like PNG, GIF, or JPG, SVG images are built using XML markup, which enables them to adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions.

The advantages of SVG

SVG images have several advantages compared to other image formats. Firstly, SVG images can infinitely scale without any loss of image quality. This is possible because SVG images are created using XML markup, which allows the browser to plot each point and line, rather than relying on pre-defined pixels. As a result, SVG images can adapt to any screen size or resolution.

Another advantage of SVG is its flexibility. Unlike other image formats, SVG images can be easily manipulated using CSS and JavaScript. This means you can apply various styles and effects to SVG images, making them highly customizable.

Additionally, SVG images are smaller in size compared to other formats like PNG or JPG. This is especially beneficial when using SVG for logos, illustrations, or icons. SVG images can be efficiently compressed using GZip, resulting in faster loading times.

SVG also supports animation and provides various image editing effects, such as masking, clipping, and applying filters. These features make SVG a versatile tool for creating visually appealing and interactive graphics.

Your first SVG image

SVG images are defined using XML markup. While it is possible to manually write SVG code, it is more common to use vector graphics tools like Sketch or Figma to create and export SVG images.

Here’s an example of a simple SVG image:

<svg width="100" height="100">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" fill="blue" />

This code creates a blue rectangle with dimensions 100x100 pixels. The svg tag defines the SVG canvas, while the rect tag represents the rectangle shape.

Using SVG

You can display SVG images in web pages using different methods:

  1. <img> tag:

    <img src="image.svg" alt="My SVG image" />
  2. CSS background-image property:

    <div style="background-image: url('image.svg');"></div>
  3. Inline in the HTML:

    <svg width="100" height="100">
    <rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" fill="blue" />
  4. <object>, <iframe>, or <embed> tag:

    <object data="image.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>

Inline SVG using a Data URL

You can also inline SVG images directly into the HTML using Data URLs. This allows you to embed the SVG code directly into the source code, eliminating the need for separate file requests.

Here’s an example of how to inline an SVG image using a Data URL:

<img src="data:image/svg+xml;<DATA>" alt="My SVG image" />

Note: Replace <DATA> with the appropriate Data URL representing your SVG code.

Styling elements

SVG elements can be styled using CSS. You can apply styles to SVG elements using the style attribute:

<rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" style="fill: green;" />

You can also use CSS classes or IDs to target specific SVG elements and apply styles:

<rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" class="my-rect" />

.my-rect {
fill: green;

Interacting with SVG

SVG images can be interacted with using CSS and JavaScript. However, the level of interaction depends on how the SVG is included in the web page.

If the SVG is inline in the HTML or loaded through <object>, <embed>, or <iframe> tags, you can use CSS and JavaScript to manipulate and interact with the SVG elements. You can also run JavaScript code within the SVG itself.

However, if the SVG is loaded using an <img> tag or as a background image in CSS, you can’t directly interact with the SVG or run JavaScript inside it. In these cases, the SVG is treated as a static image.

When scripting or styling SVG elements, you can use their IDs or CSS classes to target them and perform the desired actions.

SVG vs Canvas API

It’s important to note the difference between SVG and the Canvas API. While both are powerful tools for creating graphics on the web, they have different underlying principles.

SVG is a vector-based image format that allows for infinite scalability and interactive styling. On the other hand, the Canvas API is pixel-based and requires manual drawing of each pixel. The Canvas API is better suited for complex animations or pixel manipulation, while SVG is more suitable for scalable and interactive graphics.

SVG Symbols

SVG symbols allow you to define an SVG image once and reuse it multiple times. This is useful when you have multiple instances of the same image with slight variations.

To define a symbol, use the <symbol> tag within an SVG container:

<symbol id="my-symbol" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" fill="red" />

To use the symbol, you can reference it using the <use> tag:

<use xlink:href="#my-symbol" />

You can apply different styles or attributes to the reused symbol elements as needed.

Validate an SVG

You can use the W3C Validator to ensure that your SVG code is valid and adheres to the SVG specification. This ensures compatibility with various applications and services that might consume SVG files.

Should I include the xmlns attribute?

The xmlns attribute is not required when using SVG in HTML5. In most cases, you can omit it unless you specifically need to adhere to XHTML standards. However, it’s always good practice to validate your HTML and SVG code to ensure compatibility across different platforms.

Should I worry about browser support?

SVG is widely supported by modern browsers and has become a standard image format on the web. However, it’s always recommended to test your SVG images across different browsers to ensure compatibility. You can use libraries like Modernizr to detect SVG support and provide fallback solutions if needed.

Tags: SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics, image format, vector image, XML markup, browser support, PNG, GIF, JPG, advantages, infinite scalability, flexibility, CSS, JavaScript, icons, animation, image editing, GZip compression, <img>, background-image, inline SVG, <object>, <iframe>, <embed>, Data URL, styling, interaction, Canvas API, symbols, validation, xmlns, browser compatibility