
Simulating a For Loop in Svelte Templates

Simulating a For Loop in Svelte Templates

Svelte templates provide the powerful each block, allowing us to iterate over arrays or any iterable objects. It’s a handy way to display dynamic content. However, what if you need to repeat a block based on a variable, similar to a traditional for loop? In this blog post, we’ll explore how to simulate a for loop in Svelte templates.

Let’s say we have a variable called rows that holds a number, and we want to repeat a block of code a certain number of times based on this variable. Here’s how you can achieve that using Svelte:

let rows = 5;

{#each Array(rows) as _, index}
<p>This is row {index + 1}</p>

In this example, we’re creating an array using the Array(n) syntax, where n is the value of the rows variable. This array will be initialized with n items, and we can use it to simulate the repetition of a block.

Within the each block, we’re using the _ variable to represent each item in the array (which we don’t need in this case). We’re also using the index variable to display the current iteration number.

By using this technique, you can achieve a similar behavior to a traditional for loop in Svelte templates. It’s a neat trick to have in your toolbox when you need to repeat a block of code based on a variable value.

Tags: Svelte templates, for loop simulation, Svelte each block, dynamic content