
How to Slugify a String in JavaScript

How to Slugify a String in JavaScript

In this blog post, we will discuss how to slugify a string in JavaScript. Slugifying means creating a URL-friendly version of a string by removing any special characters, spaces, and converting it to lowercase.


To begin, you need to install the slugify library. Open your terminal and run the following command:

npm install slugify

Importing and Using Slugify

Once you have installed the library, you can import it into your JavaScript file using the import statement:

import slugify from 'slugify';

After importing, you can use the slugify function to create a slug from a given string. Here’s an example:

const slug = slugify('Testing this');
console.log(slug); // Output: testing-this

In the above code, slugify('Testing this') takes the input string 'Testing this' and converts it into a slug, which is then stored in the variable slug. Finally, we log the slug to the console.

Removing Punctuation from the String

By default, the slugify function replaces spaces with a hyphen and removes any special characters. However, if you want to remove additional punctuation from the string, you can use a regular expression.

For example, to remove dots, exclamation marks, and other common punctuation marks, you can pass a regex as a remove option:

slugify('Testing. this!', { remove: /[\*+~.,()'"!:@]/g });

In the above code, the remove option is set to /[\*+~.,()'"!:@]/g, which matches any occurrence of dots, exclamation marks, and other punctuation marks. The g flag ensures that all matches in the string are replaced.

By utilizing the slugify library and understanding how to remove additional punctuation, you can easily create SEO-friendly slugs for your URLs in JavaScript.

Tags: JavaScript, slugify, URL, string, regex, SEO-friendly