
How to Save Text to a File in Node.js

How to Save Text to a File in Node.js

If you’re looking to save some text to a file using Node.js, the process is quite straightforward. By following a few simple steps, you’ll be able to accomplish this task quickly and efficiently.

To begin, you’ll need to make sure that the necessary Node.js file system module (fs) is imported. This module provides all the functionality required to interact with the file system.

Once you have the module imported, you can proceed with the implementation. Here’s a concise code snippet that demonstrates how to save text to a file:

import fs from 'node:fs';

const text = 'yo';

fs.writeFile('text.txt', text, (err) => {
if (err) {

In this example, we start by defining a text variable that holds the content you want to save to the file. You can replace 'yo' with your desired text.

The fs.writeFile() function is then used to save the text to the file. It takes three arguments: the file name ('text.txt' in this case), the text content, and a callback function.

The callback function is necessary to handle any potential errors that may occur during the file writing process. If an error occurs, it will be passed as an argument to the callback function, allowing you to handle it appropriately. In the provided code, we simply log the error to the console.

If no error occurs, the code inside the callback function’s body will execute. In this case, we log 'done' to the console, indicating that the file writing process was successful.

That’s all there is to it! By following these steps, you can easily save text to a file in Node.js. Remember to modify the file name and text content to fit your specific needs.

Tags: Node.js, file system, saving text to file