
An Introduction to REST APIs

An Introduction to REST APIs


As an API creator or consumer, it is important to understand the concept of REST APIs. REST stands for Representational State Transfer, which is an architectural style used for designing networked applications. In this blog, we will explore REST APIs from both the creator and consumer perspectives.

What is an API?

Before diving into REST APIs, let’s first understand what an API is. API stands for Application Programming Interface and refers to a set of rules and protocols that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. APIs can vary in their implementation and purpose, such as browser APIs, Node.js APIs, and service-oriented APIs.


REST APIs are a category of APIs that follow the principles of the HTTP protocol. They provide a way to create services that expose specific functionalities through a server accessible by multiple clients. While other API paradigms exist, such as SOAP, REST APIs are the most popular in the JavaScript world.


In a REST API, endpoints are created to allow clients to access specific resources or functionalities. For example, if we want to expose a list of people, we can create an endpoint called /people. This endpoint can be accessed using a URL, such as test.com/people.

The data provided by an endpoint can be in various formats, but JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is commonly used for data communication between services.

Additionally, an API can have multiple endpoints, each serving a different purpose. For example, we can have another endpoint called /person that accepts an id parameter to retrieve detailed information about a specific person, such as their age, email, and address.

Request Methods

REST APIs utilize different HTTP methods to provide various functionalities based on the type of action required. The most common methods are:

  • GET: Used to retrieve data from an endpoint. For example, GET /people would return a list of people, while GET /person/1 would retrieve details about a specific person with an id of 1.
  • POST: Used to send data to an endpoint to create a new resource. For instance, POST /person can be used to add a new person to the database by passing the necessary data in a predefined format.
  • PUT: Primarily used to update a resource. For example, PUT /person/1 can be used to modify the address of a person with an id of 1.
  • DELETE: Used to remove a resource. For instance, DELETE /person/1 would delete a person with an id of 1 from the database.

Other than GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, there are additional HTTP methods that can be used depending on the desired functionality.

Naming API Endpoints

When naming API endpoints, it is considered a best practice to use nouns to represent resources and HTTP methods to indicate the action. For example, using /people to retrieve a list of people or /person to update a person’s information.

Stateless Nature of REST APIs

One key characteristic of REST APIs is their statelessness. This means they do not retain memory or state between different requests. To track API usage and enforce limits, API Keys can be implemented. Additionally, APIs can be protected using login/password mechanisms, where a token is generated and sent with each subsequent request for proper identification and authorization.

Response Handling

When making API calls, the server returns a response with two components: an HTTP response status code and an HTTP response body.

  • The HTTP response status code indicates the success or failure of the request. Some commonly used status codes include:

    • 200 OK: A successful response to an HTTP request.
    • 201 Created: Indicates that a new resource has been successfully created as a result of a POST request.
    • 400 Bad Request: Indicates an error caused by a malformed request or other client-side issues.
    • 401 Unauthorized: Sent when authentication is required, and the client is not authorized.
    • 404 Not Found: Indicates that the requested resource could not be found.
    • 500 Internal Server Error: A generic error message indicating an unexpected server condition.
  • The HTTP response body typically contains the requested data in JSON format or an error message. The structure and content of the response body are defined by the API creator.


Understanding REST APIs is crucial for both API creators and consumers. REST APIs provide a standardized and flexible approach to building and interacting with web services. By following the principles discussed in this blog, you can create well-designed and user-friendly APIs.

Tags: REST API, HTTP protocol, endpoints, request methods, stateless, response handling