
How to Repeatedly Display Something in JSX

How to Repeatedly Display Something in JSX

Are you looking for a way to repeat something in JSX? Perhaps you need to display a set of stars based on a rating value? In this blog post, we will explore a simple solution to achieve this.

Let’s say you have a rating expressed from 1 to 5, and you want to display the corresponding number of stars. One way to accomplish this is by using the Array function and the map method in JavaScript.

Here’s the code snippet you can use:

{[...Array(rating)].map(() => '⭐️ ')}

In this code snippet, we create an array using the spread operator .... This array has a length equal to the rating value. Then, we use the map method to iterate over each element of the array and return a string containing a star symbol ⭐️.

By enclosing this JSX expression within the <p> tags, we can easily render the desired number of stars based on the provided rating.

Feel free to try out this code snippet in your project and customize it according to your needs. Enjoy!

Tags: JSX, rendering, rating, stars