
Python Decorators: Enhance Your Functions

Python Decorators: Enhance Your Functions

Python decorators provide a convenient way to modify the behavior of a function. With decorators, you can change how a function works without modifying its code directly. In this article, we will explore the concept of decorators and how to use them effectively in your Python code.

What are Decorators?

Decorators in Python are defined using the @ symbol followed by the decorator name, just before the function definition. They allow you to wrap a function with another function to modify its behavior.

Let’s take a look at an example to better understand the concept:

def hello():

In this example, the hello function has the logtime decorator assigned. Whenever we call hello(), the decorator will be executed.

How do Decorators Work?

A decorator is essentially a function that takes another function as a parameter. It wraps the original function with an inner function that performs the desired action, and returns this inner function.

Here’s an example that illustrates this concept:

def logtime(func):
def wrapper():
# Perform actions before the function
val = func()
# Perform actions after the function
return val
return wrapper

In this case, the logtime decorator takes a function func as a parameter. It defines an inner function called wrapper that wraps func. Any actions performed before and after the func call can be defined in this wrapper function.


Python decorators provide a powerful way to modify the behavior of functions without modifying their code directly. By using decorators, you can enhance, alter, or change the way your functions work. Understanding decorators is essential for any Python developer looking to write clean and modular code.

Tags: Python, Decorators, Function Enhancement, Code Modification