
The Complete Guide to Progressive Web Apps

The Complete Guide to Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are a popular trend in mobile application development, utilizing web technologies. As of March 2018, PWAs work on Android and iOS devices with iOS 11.3 or higher, and macOS 10.13.4 or higher.

A Progressive Web App is an app that can provide additional features based on the device support, such as offline capabilities, push notifications, almost native app look and speed, and local caching of resources. Originally introduced by Google in 2015, PWAs offer many advantages to both developers and users.

Developers can build almost-first-class applications using a web stack, which is easier and cheaper than building native apps. Plus, PWAs have a reduced installation friction, as having an app in the store does not necessarily bring benefits in terms of discoverability. PWAs are also discoverable through search engines, which reduces reliance on paid acquisition.

Compared to other options like native mobile apps, hybrid apps, and apps built with React Native, PWAs have unique features that set them apart. PWAs are discoverable using search engines, provide an app-like feel, support offline usage, are installable, allow for re-engagement with push notifications, are easily shareable, and have automatic updates.

Service Workers play a crucial role in PWAs, as they enable offline functionality. Only HTTPS sites can utilize Service Workers, making HTTPS a requirement for PWAs. The App Manifest, a JSON file, provides device information about the PWA, including its name, icons, starting URL, and orientation. The App Shell, on the other hand, is a design concept that loads and renders the web app container first, providing a fast-loading app impression.

In summary, PWAs offer a lightweight, easily discoverable, and cost-effective alternative to native apps. With offline support, push notifications, and an immersive user experience, PWAs provide an app-like experience while leveraging web technologies.

Tags: Progressive Web Apps, PWA, mobile application development, web technologies, offline capabilities, push notifications, native app, local caching, Service Workers, App Manifest, App Shell, search engines, discoverability, HTTPS