
Introduction to PostCSS: Write Modern CSS with Ease

Introduction to PostCSS: Write Modern CSS with Ease

PostCSS is an essential tool for developers looking to write modern CSS. It is a highly popular tool that allows developers to write CSS pre-processors or post-processors. With its extensive plugin ecosystem, PostCSS provides a wide range of functionalities that greatly enhance your CSS development experience. In this blog post, we will explore the key features of PostCSS and why it has become such a popular choice among developers.

Why PostCSS?

PostCSS offers several features that can significantly improve your CSS and seamlessly integrates with any build tool of your choice. Its plugin-based architecture provides a common ground for all CSS-related operations, allowing you to enhance and optimize your CSS code in various ways.

Installing the PostCSS CLI

To start using PostCSS, you need to install the PostCSS CLI. You can use either Yarn or npm to install it globally:

Using Yarn:

yarn global add postcss-cli

Using npm:

npm install -g postcss-cli

Once installed, you can use the postcss command in your terminal to run PostCSS.

PostCSS provides a vast selection of plugins, allowing you to extend the functionality of your CSS processing. Here are some of the most popular PostCSS plugins that showcase the possibilities of PostCSS:


Autoprefixer is a powerful plugin that parses your CSS and adds vendor prefixes based on the Can I Use data. This eliminates the need for manually adding prefixes and ensures your CSS is compatible with different browsers.


a {
display: flex;

After running Autoprefixer:

a {
display: -webkit-box;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: flex;


cssnext is like the Babel of CSS, allowing you to use modern CSS features while automatically transpiling them to a format that older browsers can understand. It includes features such as Autoprefixer, CSS Variables, and nesting (similar to Sass).

CSS Modules

PostCSS Modules enables the use of CSS Modules, which provide scoped selectors as a build step process.


The csslint plugin helps you write correct CSS by providing linting capabilities. It allows you to catch errors and avoid common pitfalls in your CSS code.


cssnano is a plugin that minifies your CSS and optimizes your code to deliver the smallest possible file size in production.

Other Useful Plugins

PostCSS has many other useful plugins available. Some notable ones include:

How is PostCSS Different from Sass?

Unlike CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less, PostCSS offers the flexibility to choose your own path and cherry-pick the features you need. With Sass or Less, you are limited to the fixed set of features they provide, whereas PostCSS allows you to extend its capabilities as needed. PostCSS empowers you to use other tools like Sass alongside it, enabling you to leverage its additional features such as autoprefixing or linting. Furthermore, you can even write your own PostCSS plugins to customize your CSS processing to suit your specific requirements.

PostCSS is a powerful tool that enhances your CSS development by providing a wide range of plugins and the flexibility to choose what features to use. Whether you are looking to optimize your code, add vendor prefixes, or leverage modern CSS features, PostCSS has you covered.

Tags: CSS, PostCSS, CSS pre-processors, PostCSS plugins, Autoprefixer, cssnext, CSS Modules, csslint, cssnano, Sass, CSS preprocessors.