
Deploying PHP Applications: Making Your Application Accessible to the World

Deploying PHP Applications: Making Your Application Accessible to the World

When you have finished developing your PHP application, the next step is to deploy it and make it accessible to users on the web. PHP is known for its easy deployment process, making it one of the best programming languages for web deployment.

Unlike many other programming languages, PHP offers instant deployment. Simply place your PHP file in a folder served by a web server, and it works without the need for server restarts or running executables. This approach is still widely used, with people opting for shared hosting and uploading files via FTP.

However, in today’s fast-paced environment, using Git deploy is a more efficient solution that should be incorporated into every project. Shared hosting is now considered outdated, and a more modern approach is needed.

One option is to have your own private VPS (Virtual Private Server), which can be obtained from services like DigitalOcean or Linode. However, managing a VPS requires extensive knowledge, time investment, and constant maintenance.

Alternatively, you can leverage PaaS (Platform as a Service) solutions. PaaS platforms focus on managing servers and handling the mundane aspects of deployment, allowing you to upload your app and have it run seamlessly. DigitalOcean App Platform, Heroku, and other similar services are excellent choices, especially for initial testing.

These services allow you to connect your GitHub account and deploy your app automatically whenever you push new changes to your Git repository.

To illustrate the benefits of this workflow, let’s consider a basic example. Assume you have created a simple PHP application with just an index.php file:

echo 'Hello!';

To deploy this application using Git, follow these steps:

  1. Add the parent folder to your GitHub Desktop app.
  2. Initialize a Git repository and push it to GitHub.

Once you have completed these steps, visit the DigitalOcean website. If you don’t have an account, you can sign up using my referral code to receive $100 free credits over the next 60 days, allowing you to work on your PHP app for free.

After signing in to your DigitalOcean account, go to Apps → Create App. Connect your GitHub account and select the repository of your app. Ensure that the “Autodeploy” option is checked so that the app automatically deploys on any changes.

Next, click “Next” and then “Edit Plan.” By default, the Pro plan is selected, but you can choose the Basic plan and select the $5/month option.

Note: Although you pay $5 per month, billing is calculated per hour, which means you can stop the app whenever you want.

Click “Next” until the “Create Resources” button appears, and then click it to create the app. If you don’t require a database, you won’t need to pay any additional charges.

Wait for the deployment to complete, and your app will be up and running!

By following this simplified Git deployment workflow, you can seamlessly deploy your PHP applications, making them easily accessible to users. This modern approach is much more efficient than the traditional FTP upload method.

tags: [“PHP deployment”, “Git deploy”, “PaaS”, “VPS”, “DigitalOcean App Platform”]