
How to Use Composer and Packagist in PHP

How to Use Composer and Packagist in PHP

Composer is a PHP package manager that simplifies the process of installing packages into your projects. By using Composer, you can easily add libraries and dependencies to your PHP projects. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Composer and Packagist to install and manage packages in PHP.

Step 1: Installing Composer

First, you need to install Composer on your machine. Composer works on Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems. Follow the installation instructions provided on the Composer website for your specific operating system.

Step 2: Installing Packages with Composer

Once you have installed Composer, you can start using it to install packages. Open your terminal and make sure the composer command is available. To check, you can run composer --version and it should display the Composer version.

To install a package, navigate to your project directory using the terminal and run the following command:

composer require <package-name>

For example, let’s install the Carbon library, which is a popular PHP library for working with dates. Run the following command to install the Carbon library:

composer require nesbot/carbon

Composer will handle the installation process, including downloading the package and its dependencies. Once the installation is complete, you will find a few new files in your project directory:

  • composer.json: This file contains the configuration for the installed dependencies.
  • composer.lock: This file “locks” the versions of the installed packages, ensuring that the same versions can be replicated on other servers.
  • vendor folder: This folder contains the installed library and its dependencies.

Step 3: Using the Installed Package

To use the installed package in your PHP code, you need to include the Composer-generated autoloader file. In your PHP file (e.g., index.php), add the following code at the top:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Carbon\Carbon;

The line require 'vendor/autoload.php'; enables autoloading, which eliminates the need to manually include files. The use keyword is used to import the specific library into your code.

Now, you can utilize the installed library. For example, to display the current date and time using the Carbon library, add the following code:

echo Carbon::now();

When you run the PHP file, you will see the current date and time displayed.


Using Composer and Packagist in PHP makes it easy to manage and install packages for your projects. With Composer, you can quickly add dependencies, such as libraries, and leverage their functionality in your code. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can start using Composer to enhance your PHP projects.

tags: [“PHP”, “Composer”, “Packagist”, “package manager”, “dependencies”]