
Phaser: Playing Sounds

Phaser: Playing Sounds

Welcome to another post in the Phaser series. In this post, we will learn about playing sounds in Phaser and how to effectively use them in your games.

Preloading Audio Files

Before we can play an audio file in Phaser, we need to preload it and assign it to a label. To do this, we use the this.load.audio() method. Here’s an example:

function preload() {
this.load.audio('sound', 'sound.mp3');

In the above code, we are preloading an audio file named “sound.mp3” and assigning it a label called “sound”. This will make the audio file available for later use.

Adding Sound to the Game

Once the audio file is preloaded, we can add it to our game using the this.sound.add() method. For example:


This method will return an object representing the audio file. It is important to assign this object to a variable for later use. Here’s an example:

const sound = this.sound.add('sound');

Playing the Sound

To play the sound, we simply call the play() method on the sound object. Here’s an example:


You can combine sound playback with user interactions, such as mouse events, to create interactive sound effects in your game. For example, you can play a sound when an item is clicked or hovered.

Now that you know how to play sounds in Phaser, you can add immersive audio effects to your games and enhance the overall user experience.

Stay tuned for more posts in the Phaser series!


tags: [“Phaser”, “game development”, “sound effects”, “audio in games”]