
The Node.js Runtime v8 options list

The Node.js Runtime v8 options list


Node.js can be invoked with a wide range of options to configure the behavior of the v8 engine. This list provides an overview of all the possible options that can be used when starting a Node.js program.

Default and Enabled Options

Some of the options mentioned in this list are disabled by default, while others are enabled. To enable a disabled option, you can run node and pass the flag, for example node --experimental-extras. On the other hand, if an option is enabled by default and you want to disable it, you can prepend --no- to the flag name, for example node --no-harmony-shipping.

Performance Optimization Options

Some options in this list can be used to optimize performance. Here are a few examples:

  • --optimize-for-size: Enables optimizations that favor memory size over execution speed.
  • --max_old_space_size: Sets the maximum size of the old space in megabytes.
  • --gc_interval: Specifies the interval for garbage collection.

For more performance optimization recommendations, you can refer to Heroku’s blog.

Feature Enable/Disable Options

Node.js provides options that allow you to enable or disable specific features. These options are useful for trying out new proposed JavaScript features that have been implemented in beta. Here are a few examples:

  • --harmony-public-fields: Enables “harmony public fields in class literals”.
  • --harmony-private-fields: Enables “harmony private fields in class literals”.
  • --harmony-numeric-separator: Enables “harmony numeric separator between digits”.

Other Notable Options

  • --use-strict: Enforces strict mode.
  • --es-staging: Enables test-worthy harmony features (for internal use only).
  • --harmony: Enables all completed harmony features.
  • --harmony-shipping: Enables all shipped harmony features.


The option names in Node.js allow words to be separated by both dashes (-) or underscores (_), or a mix of those. On tutorials, you’ll find a mix of both, so it can be confusing. However, there is no difference in usage.


This list was generated using the command node --v8-options and is relative to Node.js version 11.9.0, the latest version at the time of writing.

Full Option List

Option Description Type Default
–experimental-extras enable code compiled in via v8_experimental_extra_library_files bool false
–use-strict enforce strict mode bool false
–es-staging enable test-worthy harmony features for internal use only bool
–harmony enable all completed harmony features bool false
–harmony-shipping enable all shipped harmony features bool true
–harmony-do-expressions enable “harmony do-expressions” in progress bool
–harmony-class-fields enable “harmony fields in class literals” in progress bool
–harmony-static-fields enable “harmony static fields in class literals” in progress bool
–harmony-await-optimization enable “harmony await taking 1 tick” in progress bool
–harmony-locale enable “Intl.Locale” in progress bool
–harmony-intl-list-format enable “Intl.ListFormat” in progress bool
–harmony-intl-relative-time-format enable “Intl.RelativeTimeFormat” in progress bool
–harmony-public-fields enable “harmony public fields in class literals” bool false
–harmony-private-fields enable “harmony private fields in class literals” bool false
–harmony-numeric-separator enable “harmony numeric separator between digits” bool false
–harmony-string-matchall enable “harmony String.prototype.matchAll” bool false
–harmony-global enable “harmony global” bool false
–harmony-string-trimming enable “harmony String.prototype.trim{Start,End}” bool true
–harmony-sharedarraybuffer enable “harmony sharedarraybuffer” bool true
–harmony-function-tostring enable “harmony Function.prototype.toString” bool true
–harmony-import-meta enable “harmony import.meta property” bool true
–harmony-bigint enable “harmony arbitrary precision integers” bool true
–harmony-dynamic-import enable “harmony dynamic import” bool true
–harmony-array-prototype-values enable “harmony Array.prototype.values” bool true
–harmony-array-flat enable “harmony Array.prototype.{flat,flatMap}” bool true
–harmony-symbol-description enable “harmony Symbol.prototype.description” bool true
–icu-timezone-data get information about timezones from ICU bool true
–future Implies all staged features that we want to ship in the not-too-far future bool false
–allocation-site-pretenuring pretenure with allocation sites bool true
–page-promotion promote pages based on utilization bool true
–page-promotion-threshold min percentage of live bytes on a page to enable fast evacuation int 70
–trace-pretenuring trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions bool false
–trace-pretenuring-statistics trace allocation site pretenuring statistics bool false
–track-fields track fields with only smi values bool true
–track-double-fields track fields with double values bool true
–track-heap-object-fields track fields with heap values bool true
–track-computed-fields track computed boilerplate fields bool true
–track-field-types track field types bool true
–trace-block-coverage trace collected block coverage information bool false
–feedback-normalization feed back normalization to constructors bool false
–optimize-for-size Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed bool false
–enable-one-shot-optimization Enable size optimizations for the code that will only be executed once bool true
–unbox-double-arrays automatically unbox arrays of doubles bool true
–interrupt-budget interrupt budget which should be used for the profiler counter int 147456
–ignition-elide-noneffectful-bytecodes elide bytecodes which won’t have any external effect bool true
–ignition-reo use ignition register equivalence optimizer bool true
–ignition-filter-expression-positions filter expression positions before the bytecode pipeline bool true
–ignition-share-named-property-feedback share feedback slots when loading the same named property from the same object bool true
–print-bytecode print bytecode generated by ignition interpreter bool false
–print-bytecode-filter filter for selecting which functions to print bytecode string *
–trace-ignition-codegen trace the codegen of ignition interpreter bytecode handlers bool false
–trace-ignition-dispatches traces the dispatches to bytecode handlers by the ignition interpreter bool false
–trace-ignition-dispatches-output-file the file to which the bytecode handler dispatch table is written by default, the table is not written to a file string
–fast-math faster but maybe less accurate math functions bool
–trace-track-allocation-sites trace the tracking of allocation sites bool false
–trace-migration trace object migration bool false
–trace-generalization trace map generalization bool false
–concurrent-recompilation optimizing hot functions asynchronously on a separate thread bool true
–trace-concurrent-recompilation track concurrent recompilation bool false
–concurrent-recompilation-queue-length the length of the concurrent compilation queue int 8
–concurrent-recompilation-delay artificial compilation delay in ms int 0
–block-concurrent-recompilation block queued jobs until released bool false
–concurrent-compiler-frontend run optimizing compiler’s frontend phases on a separate thread bool false
–strict-heap-broker fail on incomplete serialization bool false
–trace-heap-broker trace the heap broker bool false
–stress-runs number of stress runs int 0
–deopt-every-n-times deoptimize every n times a deopt point is passed int 0
–print-deopt-stress print number of possible deopt points bool false
–turbo-sp-frame-access use stack pointer-relative access to frame wherever possible bool false
–turbo-preprocess-ranges run pre-register allocation heuristics bool true
–turbo-filter optimization filter for TurboFan compiler string *
–trace-turbo trace generated TurboFan IR bool false
–trace-turbo-path directory to dump generated TurboFan IR to string nullptr
–trace-turbo-filter filter for tracing turbofan compilation string *
–trace-turbo-graph trace generated TurboFan graphs bool false
–trace-turbo-scheduled trace TurboFan IR with schedule bool false
–trace-turbo-cfg-file trace turbo cfg graph for C1 visualizer to a given file name string
–trace-turbo-types trace TurboFan’s types bool true
–trace-turbo-scheduler trace TurboFan’s scheduler bool false
–trace-turbo-reduction trace TurboFan’s various reducers bool false
–trace-turbo-trimming trace TurboFan’s graph trimmer bool false
–trace-turbo-jt trace TurboFan’s jump threading bool false
–trace-alloc trace register allocator bool false
–trace-all-uses trace all use positions bool false
–trace-representation trace representation types bool false
–turbo-verify verify TurboFan graphs at each phase bool false
–turbo-verify-machine-graph verify TurboFan machine graph before instruction selection string nullptr
–trace-verify-csa trace code stubs verification bool false
–csa-trap-on-node trigger break point when a node with given id is created in given stub. The format is: StubName,NodeId string nullptr
–turbo-stats print TurboFan statistics bool false
–turbo-stats-nvp print TurboFan statistics in machine-readable format bool false
–turbo-stats-wasm print TurboFan statistics of wasm compilations bool false
–turbo-splitting split nodes during scheduling in TurboFan bool true
–function-context-specialization enable function context specialization in TurboFan bool false
–turbo-inlining enable inlining in TurboFan bool true
–max-inlined-bytecode-size maximum size of bytecode for a single inlining int 500
–max-inlined-bytecode-size-cumulative maximum cumulative size of bytecode considered for inlining int 1000
–max-inlined-bytecode-size-absolute maximum cumulative size of bytecode considered for inlining int 5000
–reserve-inline-budget-scale-factor maximum cumulative size of bytecode considered for inlining float 1.2
–max-inlined-bytecode-size-small maximum size of bytecode considered for small function inlining int 30
–min-inlining-frequency minimum frequency for inlining float 0.15
–polymorphic-inlining polymorphic inlining bool true
–stress-inline set high thresholds for inlining to inline as much as possible bool false
–trace-turbo-inlining trace TurboFan inlining bool false
–inline-accessors inline JavaScript accessors bool true
–inline-into-try inline into try blocks bool true
–turbo-inline-array-builtins inline array builtins in TurboFan code bool true
–use-osr use on-stack replacement bool true
–trace-osr trace on-stack replacement bool false
–analyze-environment-liveness analyze liveness of environment slots and zap dead values bool true
–trace-environment-liveness trace liveness of local variable slots bool false
–turbo-load-elimination enable load elimination in TurboFan bool true
–trace-turbo-load-elimination trace TurboFan load elimination bool false
–turbo-profiling enable profiling in TurboFan bool false
–turbo-verify-allocation verify register allocation in TurboFan bool false
–turbo-move-optimization optimize gap moves in TurboFan bool true
–turbo-jt enable jump threading in TurboFan bool true
–turbo-loop-peeling Turbofan loop peeling bool true
–turbo-loop-variable Turbofan loop variable optimization bool true
–turbo-cf-optimization optimize control flow in TurboFan bool true
–turbo-escape enable escape analysis bool true
–turbo-allocation-folding Turbofan allocation folding bool true
–turbo-instruction-scheduling enable instruction scheduling in TurboFan bool false
–turbo-stress-instruction-scheduling randomly schedule instructions to stress dependency tracking bool false
–turbo-store-elimination enable store-store elimination in TurboFan bool true
–trace-store-elimination trace store elimination bool false
–turbo-rewrite-far-jumps rewrite far to near jumps ia32,x64 bool
–experimental-inline-promise-constructor inline the Promise constructor in TurboFan bool true
–untrusted-code-mitigations Enable mitigations for executing untrusted code bool false
–branch-load-poisoning Mask loads with branch conditions. bool false
–minimal simplifies execution model to make porting easier e.g. always use Ignition, never optimize bool
–expose-wasm expose wasm interface to JavaScript bool true
–assume-asmjs-origin force wasm decoder to assume input is internal asm-wasm format bool false
–wasm-disable-structured-cloning disable wasm structured cloning bool false
–wasm-num-compilation-tasks number of parallel compilation tasks for wasm int 10
–wasm-write-protect-code-memory write protect code memory on the wasm native heap bool false
–wasm-trace-serialization trace serialization/deserialization bool false
–wasm-async-compilation enable actual asynchronous compilation for WebAssembly.compile bool true
–wasm-test-streaming use streaming compilation instead of async compilation for tests bool false
–wasm-max-mem-pages maximum number of 64KiB memory pages of a wasm instance uint 32767
–wasm-max-table-size maximum table size of a wasm instance uint 10000000
–wasm-tier-up enable wasm baseline compilation and tier up to the optimizing compiler bool true
–trace-wasm-ast-start start function for wasm AST trace inclusive int
–trace-wasm-ast-end end function for wasm AST trace exclusive int
–liftoff enable Liftoff, the baseline compiler for WebAssembly bool true
–wasm-trace-memory print all memory updates performed in wasm code bool false
–wasm-tier-mask-for-testing bitmask of functions to compile with TurboFan instead of Liftoff int 0
–validate-asm validate asm.js modules before compiling bool true
–suppress-asm-messages don’t emit asm.js related messages for golden file testing bool
–trace-asm-time log asm.js timing info to the console bool false
–trace-asm-scanner log tokens encountered by asm.js scanner bool false
–trace-asm-parser verbose logging of asm.js parse failures bool false
–stress-validate-asm try to validate everything as asm.js bool false
–dump-wasm-module-path directory to dump wasm modules to string nullptr
–experimental-wasm-mv enable prototype multi-value support for wasm bool false
–experimental-wasm-eh enable prototype exception handling opcodes for wasm bool false
–experimental-wasm-se enable prototype sign extension opcodes for wasm bool true
–experimental-wasm-sat-f2i-conversions enable prototype saturating float conversion opcodes for wasm bool false
–experimental-wasm-threads enable prototype thread opcodes for wasm bool false
–experimental-wasm-simd enable prototype SIMD opcodes for wasm bool false
–experimental-wasm-anyref enable prototype anyref opcodes for wasm bool false
–experimental-wasm-mut-global enable prototype import/export mutable global support for wasm bool true
–wasm-opt enable wasm optimization bool false
–wasm-no-bounds-checks disable bounds checks performance testing only bool
–wasm-no-stack-checks disable stack checks performance testing only bool
–wasm-shared-engine shares one wasm engine between all isolates within a process bool true
–wasm-shared-code shares code underlying a wasm module when it is transferred bool true
–wasm-trap-handler use signal handlers to catch out of bounds memory access in wasm currently Linux x86_64 only bool
–wasm-trap-handler-fallback Use bounds checks if guarded memory is not available bool false
–wasm-fuzzer-gen-test Generate a test case when running a wasm fuzzer bool false
–print-wasm-code Print WebAssembly code bool false
–wasm-interpret-all Execute all wasm code in the wasm interpreter bool false
–asm-wasm-lazy-compilation enable lazy compilation for asm-wasm modules bool true
–wasm-lazy-compilation enable lazy compilation for all wasm modules bool false
–frame-count number of stack frames inspected by the profiler int 1
–type-info-threshold percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization int 25
–stress-sampling-allocation-profiler Enables sampling allocation profiler with X as a sample interval int 0
–min-semi-space-size min size of a semi-space in MBytes), the new space consists of two semi-spaces size_t
–max-semi-space-size max size of a semi-space in MBytes), the new space consists of two semi-spaces size_t
–semi-space-growth-factor factor by which to grow the new space int 2
–experimental-new-space-growth-heuristic Grow the new space based on the percentage of survivors instead of their absolute value. bool false
–max-old-space-size max size of the old space in Mbytes size_t
–initial-old-space-size initial old space size in Mbytes size_t
–gc-global always perform global GCs bool false
–random-gc-interval Collect garbage after random(0, X allocations. It overrides gc_interval. int 0
–gc-interval garbage collect after allocations int -1
–retain-maps-for-n-gc keeps maps alive for old space garbage collections int 2
–trace-gc print one trace line following each garbage collection bool false
–trace-gc-nvp print one detailed trace line in name=value format after each garbage collection bool false
–trace-gc-ignore-scavenger do not print trace line after scavenger collection bool false
–trace-idle-notification print one trace line following each idle notification bool false
–trace-idle-notification-verbose prints the heap state used by the idle notification bool false
–trace-gc-verbose print more details following each garbage collection bool false
–trace-allocation-stack-interval print stack trace after free-list allocations int -1
–trace-duplicate-threshold-kb print duplicate objects in the heap if their size is more than given threshold int 0
–trace-fragmentation report fragmentation for old space bool false
–trace-fragmentation-verbose report fragmentation for old space detailed bool
–trace-evacuation report evacuation statistics bool false
–trace-mutator-utilization print mutator utilization, allocation speed, gc speed bool false
–incremental-marking use incremental marking bool true
–incremental-marking-wrappers use incremental marking for marking wrappers bool true
–trace-unmapper Trace the unmapping bool false
–parallel-scavenge parallel scavenge bool true
–trace-parallel-scavenge trace parallel scavenge bool false
–write-protect-code-memory write protect code memory bool true
–concurrent-marking use concurrent marking bool true
–parallel-marking use parallel marking in atomic pause bool true
–ephemeron-fixpoint-iterations number of fixpoint iterations it takes to switch to linear ephemeron algorithm int 10
–trace-concurrent-marking trace concurrent marking bool false
–black-allocation use black allocation bool true
–concurrent-store-buffer use concurrent store buffer processing bool true
–concurrent-sweeping use concurrent sweeping bool true
–parallel-compaction use parallel compaction bool true
–parallel-pointer-update use parallel pointer update during compaction bool true
–detect-ineffective-gcs-near-heap-limit trigger out-of-memory failure to avoid GC storm near heap limit bool true
–trace-incremental-marking trace progress of the incremental marking bool false
–trace-stress-marking trace stress marking progress bool false
–trace-stress-scavenge trace stress scavenge progress bool false
–track-gc-object-stats track object counts and memory usage bool false
–trace-gc-object-stats trace object counts and memory usage bool false
–trace-zone-stats trace zone memory usage bool false
–track-retaining-path enable support for tracking retaining path bool false
–concurrent-array-buffer-freeing free array buffer allocations on a background thread bool true
–gc-stats Used by tracing internally to enable gc statistics int 0
–track-detached-contexts track native contexts that are expected to be garbage collected bool true
–trace-detached-contexts trace native contexts that are expected to be garbage collected bool false
–move-object-start enable moving of object starts bool true
–memory-reducer use memory reducer bool true
–heap-growing-percent specifies heap growing factor as 1 + heap_growing_percent/100 int
–v8-os-page-size override OS page size in KBytes int
–always-compact Perform compaction on every full GC bool false
–never-compact Never perform compaction on full GC - testing only bool false
–compact-code-space Compact code space on full collections bool true
–use-marking-progress-bar Use a progress bar to scan large objects in increments when incremental marking is active. bool true
–force-marking-deque-overflows force overflows of marking deque by reducing its size to 64 words bool false
–stress-compaction stress the GC compactor to flush out bugs implies —force_marking_deque_overflows bool
–stress-compaction-random Stress GC compaction by selecting random percent of pages as evacuation candidates. It overrides stress_compaction. bool false
–stress-incremental-marking force incremental marking for small heaps and run it more often bool false
–fuzzer-gc-analysis prints number of allocations and enables analysis mode for gc fuzz testing, e.g. —stress-marking, —stress-scavenge bool false
–stress-marking force marking at random points between 0 and X. inclusive percent of the regular marking start limit int
–stress-scavenge force scavenge at random points between 0 and X. inclusive percent of the new space capacity int
–disable-abortjs disables AbortJS runtime function bool false
–manual-evacuation-candidates-selection Test mode only flag. It allows a unit test to select evacuation candidates pages. Requires —stress_compaction). bool
–fast-promotion-new-space fast promote new space on high survival rates bool false
–clear-free-memory initialize free memory with 0 bool false
–young-generation-large-objects allocates large objects by default in the young generation large object space bool false
–debug-code generate extra code. assertions for debugging bool false
–code-comments emit comments in code disassembly. for more readable source positions you should add —no-concurrent_recompilation bool false
–enable-sse3 enable use of SSE3 instructions if available bool true
–enable-ssse3 enable use of SSSE3 instructions if available bool true
–enable-sse4-1 enable use of SSE4.1 instructions if available bool true
–enable-sahf enable use of SAHF instruction if available X64 only bool
–enable-avx enable use of AVX instructions if available bool true
–enable-fma3 enable use of FMA3 instructions if available bool true
–enable-bmi1 enable use of BMI1 instructions if available bool true
–enable-bmi2 enable use of BMI2 instructions if available bool true
–enable-lzcnt enable use of LZCNT instruction if available bool true
–enable-popcnt enable use of POPCNT instruction if available bool true
–arm-arch generate instructions for the selected ARM architecture if available: armv6, arm