
Listing Files in a Folder in Node: A Quick Guide

Listing Files in a Folder in Node: A Quick Guide

When working with Node.js, you may often need to retrieve a list of files contained within a folder. Fortunately, it’s quite simple to accomplish this task using the built-in fs module. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of obtaining an array of file names from a folder in Node.js.

To begin, make sure you’ve imported the fs module:

import fs from 'fs';

Next, you can use the readdirSync() function from the fs module to read the contents of a folder synchronously. This function accepts the name of the folder you want to read as a parameter:

const filenames = fs.readdirSync('content');

It’s important to note that you can specify either a relative or absolute URL for the folder.

Once you have retrieved the array of file names, you can iterate over it using the map() method:

filenames.map((filename) => {

By iterating over the file names, you can perform any required operations on each file, such as printing the name or further processing it.

In summary, obtaining a list of files from a folder in Node.js is a straightforward process. By using the fs module’s readdirSync() function, you can easily retrieve the file names in an array and perform any necessary operations on them. Happy coding!

tags: [“Node.js”, “file listing”]