
How to Empty a Folder in Node.js

How to Empty a Folder in Node.js

In this article, we will explore how to remove all files from a directory in a Node.js script. We will be using the fs-extra library, which provides additional functionality on top of Node.js’ built-in fs module.

To get started, you’ll need to install the fs-extra library by running the following command:

npm install fs-extra

Once the installation is complete, you can import the library into your script:

import fsExtra from 'fs-extra';

Now, let’s go ahead and empty a folder using the emptyDirSync() method from the fs-extra library. For example, let’s say we want to empty the “./public/images” folder:

const folder = './public/images';

That’s it! The emptyDirSync() method will remove all the files and directories within the specified folder.

By using the fs-extra library, we can easily empty a directory in our Node.js script without having to manually iterate over the files and directories. This saves us time and effort, making our code more concise and readable.

Overall, the fs-extra library provides a convenient way to remove all files from a directory in Node.js, ensuring a cleaner and more organized file system.

Tags: Node.js, fs-extra, directory, empty folder