
How to Fix the \"Unable to Resolve Dependency Tree\" PostCSS and Tailwind Issue in Next.js

How to Fix the “Unable to Resolve Dependency Tree” PostCSS and Tailwind Issue in Next.js

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to solve the “unable to resolve dependency tree” error that occurs while installing Tailwind in a Next.js website.


When setting up a new Next.js project with Tailwind, you may encounter an issue where the installation process fails with the “unable to resolve dependency tree” error. This error is typically caused by configuration problems and incompatible library versions.


To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. During the installation process, run the command:

    npm install tailwindcss postcss-preset-env postcss-flexbugs-fixes


  2. The error message will indicate that PostCSS version 8.1.13 is required, but Next.js has installed version 8.1.7.

  3. To fix this, run the following command:

    npm install [email protected] postcss-preset-env postcss-flexbugs-fixes

    This command specifies the exact version of PostCSS required by Tailwind.

  4. After running the command, the installation should complete without any issues.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully install Tailwind in your Next.js project without encountering the “unable to resolve dependency tree” error.

Tags: Next.js, Tailwind, dependency tree, PostCSS