
Solving the Issue of a Blank Page after router.push() in Next.js

Solving the Issue of a Blank Page after router.push() in Next.js

Are you facing the issue of a blank page after programmatically calling router.push() in your Next.js application? If so, don’t worry! In this article, we will explore how to solve this problem effectively.

When working with Next.js, it is not uncommon to encounter situations where you need to dynamically navigate to a different route using router.push(). However, if not handled properly, this action can result in a blank page instead of rendering the desired content.

To avoid encountering a blank page, it is crucial to understand how to correctly use router.push().

Avoid using return after the router.push() statement, and don’t treat it as a return value.

Using return after calling router.push('/') can cause unexpected behavior. Similarly, using return router.push('/') won’t produce the desired outcome either. Instead, just call router.push('/') without the return statement.

Here’s an example of the correct usage:


By adhering to this practice, you can prevent the occurrence of a blank page after transitioning to a new route using router.push() in Next.js.

Tags: Next.js, router.push(), blank page