
Understanding Milli, Micro, Nano, and Pico in Electronics and Time Measurements

Understanding Milli, Micro, Nano, and Pico in Electronics and Time Measurements

In the realm of electronics and time measurements, you encounter terms like milli, micro, nano, and pico quite often. But what do they actually signify?

This blog post aims to provide a convenient reference to understand the meaning of each of these terms.

Let’s dive right in:

  • Milli: Represented as 10^-3 or 0.001, milli serves as a prefix indicating one thousandth of a unit.

  • Micro: Denoted as 10^-6 or 0.000001, micro signifies one millionth of a unit.

  • Nano: Indicated as 10^-9 or 0.000000001, nano stands for one billionth of a unit.

  • Pico: Represented as 10^-12 or 0.000000000001, pico represents one trillionth of a unit.

To help you remember the order and magnitude of these terms, consider the mnemonic “milli-micro-nano-pico.” Repeating this sequence a few times will solidify your recollection, making it easier to recall the meaning of each term next time you come across them.

Tags: electronics, time measurements, milli, micro, nano, pico