
Easy Ways to Set Up Automations in macOS

Easy Ways to Set Up Automations in macOS

When working on a website or any project involving data storage, it’s important to have automated backup systems in place. In this blog, we will explore an easy way to set up automations in macOS using built-in tools.

One of the simplest ways to achieve automated backups is by utilizing the power of Automator, an often underappreciated app on the Mac. Automator allows you to create custom actions and workflows to automate repetitive tasks.

To start, open Automator and create a new Application. This will serve as the backbone of your automation.

Next, configure the workflow to perform the desired action. In the case of backing up a SQLite database, you can use the “Copy Finder Items” action to copy the database file to a designated “backup” folder. Additionally, you can include a step to append the current date and time to the copied file for easy identification.

After setting up the workflow, save it as a .app file. This will create a standalone application that can be executed at predefined intervals.

To schedule the backup automation, open your calendar app and create a new event. In the event settings, set the alert to open the previously saved .app file. This will trigger the backup process whenever the event is scheduled.

To ensure regular backups, set the event to repeat daily. Additionally, it is recommended to create a dedicated calendar for these automations, allowing easy management and the ability to disable them when necessary. You can hide this dedicated calendar to prevent cluttering your regular calendar view.

One thing to note is that this method relies on the calendar alerts to trigger the automation. If you prefer to avoid the alerts, you can explore other options, such as using the new Shortcuts app available in macOS Monterey, which might provide even easier automation setup.

Automating tasks like database backups not only saves time and effort but also provides peace of mind knowing that your valuable data is protected. Give this method a try and streamline your workflow with ease.

Tags: macOS, automation, backup, data storage, Automator.