
My Love for Books: A Collection of Knowledge and Inspiration

My Love for Books: A Collection of Knowledge and Inspiration

Having an extensive library of paper books has always been a passion of mine. Among them, programming books take up about 30% of my collection. I used to travel to the city to visit a well-stocked library, where I could find the best books on software development. Back in the day, when Linux was sold in 4 CD sets, books were the affordable way to learn programming independently.

Aside from programming, a significant portion of my books revolves around self-improvement and personal growth. I find immense value in exploring this subject. Additionally, I own books on small business management and solo operations, as well as popular startup-oriented literature. Biographies and stories about intriguing individuals or companies also grace my collection.

Books on writing and marketing play an essential role in my life. As the owner of a solo business, I constantly engage with marketing strategies. Fiction books make up a minuscule part of my library, as my focus lies primarily in non-fiction material.

Most of my books are in English, as they played a crucial role in my language learning journey, which started at the age of 14. They comprise both widely-discussed titles and obscure finds that I acquired second-hand due to being out of print.

Although I do have books stored on my iPad or Kindle, I have a deep appreciation for the printed format. I like to keep my books close by, surround myself with them, and be constantly reminded of the vast amount of knowledge and exploration awaiting me. They serve as a tangible reminder that time is precious and that there is always more to learn.

Although I haven’t read all my books yet, I recently ordered seven new ones. Topics range from solo business and personal finance freedom to mental models and branding. While these specific books don’t relate to programming, I do have plans to expand my programming collection soon. Programming books quickly become outdated, but I believe I already possess the core pillars. Nonetheless, there is always something new to discover.

Perhaps one day, I will create a dedicated “books” section on this platform. This way, I can share my thoughts and insights on the books that resonate with me the most.
tags: [“programming”, “self-improvement”, “personal growth”, “business”, “entrepreneurship”, “biography”, “writing”, “marketing”, “language learning”]