
Linux Commands: mv - A Quick Guide to Moving Files and Folders

Linux Commands: mv - A Quick Guide to Moving Files and Folders

The mv command is a powerful tool in Linux, macOS, WSL, and any UNIX environment that allows you to move and rename files and folders. In this blog post, we will explore the various ways you can use the mv command to manage your files efficiently.

Moving a File or Renaming it

To move a file from one location to another or rename it, use the following syntax:

mv <current_path> <new_path>

For example, let’s say you have a file called “pear” in your current directory, and you want to move it to a new location called “new_pear.” You can achieve this by running the following command:

mv pear new_pear

Now, the “pear” file has been successfully moved and renamed to “new_pear.”

Moving Multiple Files to a Folder

You can also move multiple files to a specific folder using the mv command. If the last parameter provided is a folder, the files specified in the first parameter will be moved into that folder.

Consider the following scenario: you have two files, “pear” and “apple,” and you want to move them both into a folder called “fruits.” You can accomplish this by executing the following command:

mv pear apple fruits

Now, both the “pear” and “apple” files have been moved into the “fruits” folder.


The mv command is a handy tool for managing files and folders in a Linux environment. Whether you need to move files, rename them, or organize them into specific folders, the mv command provides you with the flexibility to accomplish these tasks efficiently.

Tags: Linux commands, mv, file management, folder management