
Linux Commands: ln - Creating Links in the Filesystem

Linux Commands: ln - Creating Links in the Filesystem

In this blog post, we will explore the ln command, a powerful tool used for creating links in the Linux file system. A link is like a pointer to another file, similar to Windows shortcuts. There are two types of links: hard links and soft links.

Hard links are rarely used due to their limitations. They cannot be created for directories or external filesystems. To create a hard link, use the following syntax:

ln <original> <link>

For example, if you have a file named recipes.txt and you want to create a hard link called newrecipes.txt, you would use the command:

ln recipes.txt newrecipes.txt

The newly created hard link is indistinguishable from a regular file, and any changes made to either file will update the content of both. If you delete the original file, the content will still be retained in the hard link until there is no hard link pointing to it.

Soft links, also known as symbolic links or symlinks, provide more flexibility as they can be created for directories and other filesystems. However, if the original file is removed, the soft link will be broken. To create a soft link, use the -s option with the ln command:

ln -s <original> <link>

For example, to create a soft link named newrecipes.txt for a file called recipes.txt, you would use the command:

ln -s recipes.txt newrecipes.txt

Soft links can be identified by the special l flag when listing files with ls -al. The file name will have a @ symbol at the end and may be colored differently if you have enabled colors in your shell. If you delete the original file, attempting to access the broken soft link will result in a “No such file or directory” error.

It’s important to note that the ln command works on Linux, macOS, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), and any UNIX environment.


The ln command is a useful tool for creating links in the Linux file system. Hard links are suitable for situations where both the original and linked files should always have the same content, while soft links offer more flexibility but are dependent on the existence of the original file. Understanding how to use these commands will enhance your file management capabilities in a Linux environment.

Tags: Linux, ln command, links, hard links, soft links, file system