
Linux commands: grep - A Quick Guide to Matching Patterns in Text

Linux commands: grep - A Quick Guide to Matching Patterns in Text

The grep command is a powerful tool that can help you match patterns in text. Mastering grep will greatly enhance your productivity in your day-to-day tasks.

What is grep?

grep stands for global regular expression print. It allows you to search for specific patterns within files or filter the output of other commands using pipes.

Searching in Files

To search for occurrences of a specific pattern in a file, you can use the following command:

grep -n pattern file

For example, to find the occurrences of the document.getElementById line in the index.md file, you would run:

grep -n document.getElementById index.md

This command will display the line numbers where the pattern is found.

Displaying Context

It can be helpful to see some context around the matched lines. You can use the -C option to specify the number of lines to show before and after the matched line:

grep -nC 2 pattern file

This will display two lines before and two lines after each matched line.

By default, grep performs a case-sensitive search. To make the search case-insensitive, use the -i option:

grep -i pattern file

Filtering Output

grep can also be used to filter the output of other commands. For example, if you want to search within the output of the less command, you can use pipes:

less file | grep -n pattern

This will display the lines from the less command’s output that match the pattern.

Regular Expressions and Inverted Matching

grep supports regular expressions, which allow for more complex pattern matching. You can use regular expressions as the search string with grep.

Additionally, you can invert the result and exclude lines that match a particular string using the -v option:

grep -v pattern file

This will display all lines in file that do not contain the specified pattern.


The grep command works on Linux, macOS, WSL, and anywhere you have a UNIX environment.

Tags: Linux commands, grep, regular expressions, text patterns, filtering output