
Understanding the JavaScript toFixed() Method

Understanding the JavaScript toFixed() Method

In JavaScript, the toFixed() method enables you to obtain a string representation of a number in fixed point notation. This method has various applications and allows you to control the precision of the output.

Basic Usage

To use the toFixed() method, you can call it on a number object and specify the desired number of digits after the decimal point. Here’s an example:

new Number(21.2).toFixed(); // Output: "21"

In the above code, the toFixed() method is used without any parameters. As a result, the number is rounded to the nearest integer and returned as a string.

Specifying the Number of Digits

You can also pass a parameter to the toFixed() method to specify the number of digits after the decimal point. Let’s see some examples:

new Number(21.2).toFixed(0); // Output: "21"
new Number(21.2).toFixed(1); // Output: "21.2"
new Number(21.2).toFixed(2); // Output: "21.20"

In the above code, we pass different values to the toFixed() method to control the precision of the output. The resulting strings include the specified number of digits after the decimal point, and any required zero-padding is automatically added.


The toFixed() method in JavaScript is a powerful tool for formatting numbers in fixed point notation. By using this method, you can obtain the desired precision for your numerical outputs.