
Introduction to Yeoman

Introduction to Yeoman

Yeoman is a powerful tool that simplifies the setup and management of web app projects. It is a collaboration of respected developers who have come together to provide an easy and convenient solution for developers. By using Yeoman, you can save time by eliminating the need to learn and use multiple tools, while ensuring consistency and ease of use in your projects.

Despite this blog post being dated, the core features of Yeoman remain relevant and useful. Here are some key points about Yeoman:

  • Yeoman is built upon solid tools, offering easy access and seamless integration with them. It doesn’t reinvent the wheel.
  • It serves as a scaffolding tool for popular frameworks like Bootstrap, Ember.js, Angular.js, and Backbone.js.
  • It leverages Bower, a frontend package manager (similar to Jam, Volo, and Ender), to provide quick installation, uninstallation, and update capabilities for common libraries such as jQuery, Underscore.js, Modernizer, Mocha, Backbone, and more.
  • Yeoman incorporates testing features, using Mocha against a headless browser instance (PhantomJS) when launched from the command line. Alternatively, tests can be run in the browser by opening the test/index.html page.
  • It offers a built-in Python HTTP server, allowing you to easily test your code. The server listens for file changes in your project and automatically reloads the browser when a dependency file has been modified. With Yeoman, you can start writing frontend code without requiring a backend setup.

Getting started with Yeoman is simple:

  1. Install Yeoman using the following command:

    $ curl -L get.yeoman.io | sh
  2. Navigate to an empty directory and run the following command:

    $ yeoman init

This will display a welcome screen and a list of options to choose from for your project.

To start a new Ember.js project, use the following command:

$ yeoman init ember

This will create a new Ember.js app with a basic set of models, controllers, views/templates, and their respective directories. It will also add script tags for all dependencies (such as jQuery and Handlebars) and create an index.html file based on the HTML5 boilerplate project (http://html5boilerplate.com/).

Yeoman can be used for various tasks in your project, including bootstrapping, updating dependencies, running tests, and more. When you’re ready to deploy your project, you can take advantage of Grunt (built into Yeoman) by running the command “yeoman build”. This will perform tasks such as linting, compiling for production, concatenating and minifying scripts and styles, compressing images, and more.

Tags: Yeoman, web development, scaffolding, frontend, testing, Grunt