
Some Useful Tricks in HTML5

Some Useful Tricks in HTML5

Tags: HTML, web development, front-end development

Disclaimer: Please note that this post may be outdated and may not reflect the current best practices in web development.

In this blog post, we will explore some handy tricks available in HTML5 that can enhance your web development experience.


The autofocus attribute in HTML5 allows you to set the focus on a specific HTML element when a page is loaded. Using <input autofocus="autofocus" />, you can ensure that the desired input field is automatically selected for user input.

Downloading Files

HTML5 provides a convenient way to download files directly from a webpage. By adding the download attribute to an anchor tag, you can specify the name of the file that will be downloaded when the user clicks on the link. For example, <a href="file.pdf" download="pdf-file">Download</a> will prompt the user to download the “file.pdf” with the name “pdf-file”.

Hiding Elements

Although it is generally recommended to separate presentation from HTML, there are scenarios where you may need to hide certain elements within your page. Using the hidden attribute, you can easily hide elements from being displayed. For instance, <div hidden="hidden"></div> can be used to hide a specific div.


In some cases, operating systems may interfere with user input by constantly spellchecking the text being entered. To control this behavior, the spellcheck attribute can be utilized. By setting <input type="text" spellcheck="true|false">, you can enable or disable spellchecking for the respective input field.

Auto Suggestion Text Input Control

HTML5 provides a built-in feature for creating auto-suggestion fields. By combining the <input> tag with the <datalist> tag, you can create a list of options that will be displayed as suggestions when a user starts typing. Here’s an example:

<input list="mylist" name="mylist" >
<datalist id="mylist">
<option value="CSS">
<option value="HTML">
<option value="PHP">
<option value="Jquery">
<option value="Wordpress">

This creates an input field with a dropdown list of suggestions that match the values provided in the <datalist> tags.

These HTML5 tricks can help improve the user experience and provide more control over the functionality of your web pages. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that web development practices evolve over time, so make sure to stay updated with the latest standards and best practices.

Tags: HTML, web development, front-end development