
How to Update Pi-hole: Keep Your Network-Wide Adblocker Up-to-Date

How to Update Pi-hole: Keep Your Network-Wide Adblocker Up-to-Date

If you’ve set up your Raspberry Pi as a network-wide adblocker using Pi-hole, you’re already enjoying an ad-free browsing experience. However, it’s essential to keep your Pi-hole software up-to-date with the latest releases and updates. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to update Pi-hole.

  1. Check for Updates
    When you access the Pi-hole admin interface, you’ll notice a notification at the bottom of the page indicating if there are any updates available.

Pi-hole Update Notification

  1. Manually Update Pi-hole
    To update Pi-hole manually, you need to log in to your Raspberry Pi using VNC or SSH. Once logged in, execute the following command:
pihole -up

Updating Pi-hole

Pi-hole Update Process

After executing the command, the Pi-hole software will update to the latest version.

Updated Pi-hole Version

  1. Automate the Update Process
    To avoid manual updates, you can set up a script to run the pihole -up command automatically using a cron job. Here’s how you can do it:
  • Open the terminal and run crontab -e to edit the cron table.
  • At the bottom of the file, add the following line to run the update every day at 6 am:
0 6 * * * pihole -up

Now, Pi-hole will update itself automatically without any intervention from you.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your Pi-hole adblocker remains up-to-date, providing uninterrupted ad-blocking functionality for your entire network.

tags: [“Raspberry Pi”, “Pi-hole”, “adblocker”, “update”, “cron job”]