
How to Fix the \"Unexpected Identifier\" Error When Importing Modules in JavaScript

How to Fix the “Unexpected Identifier” Error When Importing Modules in JavaScript

In this blog post, I will provide some advice on how to solve the “Unexpected Identifier” error that you may encounter when using the import statement to import files in your JavaScript application.

Unexpected identifier

If you have been using ES6 modules in your JavaScript code and you are experiencing this error, don’t worry. There is a simple solution.

Instead of loading your main entry point JavaScript file using the regular <script src="index.js"></script> tag, you need to make one small change. Add the type="module" attribute to the <script> tag, like this:

<script type="module" src="index.js"></script>

By doing this, you are telling the browser to treat the JavaScript file as a module, enabling the use of the import statement. Once you make this change, the “Unexpected Identifier” error should be resolved.

Tags: JavaScript, ES6 modules, Unexpected Identifier, Import statement