
How to Render HTML in React

How to Render HTML in React

Discover the methods to render an HTML string in the DOM without escaping in a React application.

I encountered an issue where I needed to add an HTML string from a WYSIWYG editor into a React application. However, simply adding {myString} to the JSX implementation resulted in the HTML tags being displayed to the user.

To solve this problem, I found two potential solutions: one utilizing native functionality and the other requiring a third-party library.

First Solution: Using dangerouslySetInnerHTML

To insert an HTML string into the content of an HTML element, you can utilize the dangerouslySetInnerHTML attribute:

<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: props.house.description }}></div>

It is important to note that the term “dangerously” is included in the function’s name for a reason. In this case, HTML is not escaped, which opens the possibility for cross-site scripting (XSS) issues. Nonetheless, there are valid use cases for this approach.

Second Solution: Utilizing a 3rd Party Library

Several libraries simplify the implementation of the dangerouslySetInnerHTML functionality. One such library is react-html-parser.

Here is the GitHub link for the library: https://github.com/wrakky/react-html-parser

Warning: Please note that, as of the time of writing, this library has not been updated in the past 2 years. While it worked for me, there is a possibility of compatibility issues in the future.

Choosing the Best Approach

Although there are other similar libraries available, I ultimately decided to use the dangerouslySetInnerHTML method. The name itself serves as a cautionary reminder to accurately whitelist the HTML tags allowed in the user-inputted HTML string.