
How to Automatically Format Astro Files in VS Code using Prettier

How to Automatically Format Astro Files in VS Code using Prettier

Learn how to utilize Prettier to format .astro files in the VS Code environment.

When working with Astro, one drawback is that Prettier does not recognize its syntax. Consequently, auto-formatting on Save or Paste does not function in VS Code.

How can you automate the formatting of Astro files in VS Code using Prettier? Follow these configuration steps:

  1. Begin by installing the default formatter for Web Development, which is Prettier.

  2. Prettier does not include a specific formatter for Astro. In your project folder, install the plugin https://github.com/withastro/prettier-plugin-astro by running the following command:

npm install -D prettier-plugin-astro
  1. Ensure that the Editor: Format On Save and Editor: Format On Paste settings are enabled in your VS Code preferences.

  2. Once configured, saving the file or pasting code should trigger the formatting process.

If the automated formatting does not work as expected, double-check that you have opened the specific project folder in VS Code and not the parent folder. Failing to do so may prevent the Astro formatter from functioning correctly.

tags: [“Astro Files”, “Prettier”, “VS Code”, “formatting”, “configuration”]