
How to Create a Comment in HTML

How to Create a Comment in HTML

Learn how to effectively add comments to an HTML page.

Comments in HTML are elements that are not interpreted by the browser. To add a comment in HTML, simply enclose the text between the <!-- and the --> tags, like this:

<!-- This is a comment -->

Comments can also span multiple lines by starting with <!-- and ending with -->, as shown in the example below:

This is a
multi-line comment

Comments in HTML serve various purposes. They can be used for personal reference, allowing you to explain why certain HTML code is present. Additionally, comments can be employed to temporarily remove sections of HTML code from being displayed on a web page, particularly for testing purposes.

It’s important to note that while the text within comments is not visible to website visitors in the rendered page, it can still be accessed if someone views the page’s source code. Therefore, avoid including any sensitive or confidential information within comments.

Furthermore, it’s advisable to minimize the usage of comments in your HTML code for production purposes. Excessive comments can increase the page size, potentially affecting the website’s speed. While small comments are generally acceptable, it is recommended to avoid including lengthy blocks of commented HTML code.

Tags: HTML comments, adding comments to HTML, multi-line comments