
Interfaces in Go: A Guide for Developers

Interfaces in Go: A Guide for Developers

tags: [“”]
Go, programming, interfaces, method signatures, type system

In Go, interfaces play a crucial role in defining types and specifying method signatures. They allow for loose coupling and enable polymorphism in the codebase. This blog post will dive into the world of interfaces in Go, explaining their purpose and providing examples of their usage.

What is an Interface?

An interface in Go is a type that defines one or more method signatures. It describes the behavior that a type should exhibit by listing the methods it should implement. Unlike concrete types, interfaces don’t implement the methods themselves; they only define their signatures. This means that any type can implicitly implement an interface by implementing all the methods specified in the interface’s definition.

Let’s take a look at an example to better understand interfaces in Go:

type Speaker interface {

Here, we define an interface called Speaker with a single method signature called Speak(). This interface requires any implementing type to have a Speak() method defined.

Implementing an Interface

By implementing all the methods specified in an interface, a type implicitly satisfies that interface. This allows us to treat different types as if they were of the same type when they satisfy the same interface.

type Person struct {
Name string
Age int

func (p Person) Speak() {
fmt.Println("Hello from " + p.Name)

In the example above, we define a struct Person with two fields: Name and Age. By implementing the Speak() method, Person implicitly satisfies the Speaker interface. Now, we can use instances of Person wherever a Speaker is expected.

Using Interfaces

Interfaces are useful when we want to write code that operates on values without being tied to specific types. By accepting interface types as function parameters, we can be more flexible and work with different types that satisfy the same interface.

func SaySomething(s Speaker) {

func main() {
flavio := Person{Age: 39, Name: "Flavio"}

In this example, we have a SaySomething() function that accepts a Speaker interface as a parameter. As long as a type satisfies the Speaker interface, we can pass an instance of that type to the SaySomething() function. The function then calls the Speak() method on the passed-in value.

By using interfaces, we decouple functions from specific types, making our code more flexible and reusable.


Interfaces in Go provide a powerful way to define behavior and promote loose coupling between types. They enable us to write flexible and reusable code that can work with different types as long as they satisfy the specified interface.

Understanding interfaces and their usage is essential for any Go developer looking to write clean and maintainable code. So go ahead, leverage the power of interfaces in your Go projects and make your code more modular and extensible.