
How to Center Align Elements Using Flexbox

How to Center Align Elements Using Flexbox

Flexbox has become my go-to method for centering elements on a webpage. It offers a simple and effective way to achieve this effect.

To center an element using flexbox, you need to wrap it in a <div> and apply the following CSS properties:

.wrapper {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;

By setting the display property to flex and the justify-content property to center, you instruct the browser to center the contents of the wrapper div.

If you are using Tailwind CSS, centering an element becomes even easier. You can simply add the flex and justify-center utility classes to the container:

<div class="flex justify-center">

These utility classes make it quick and straightforward to achieve the desired center alignment.

Tags: CSS, Flexbox, Web Development, Responsive Design