
Managing Cookies with Express: A Complete Guide

Managing Cookies with Express: A Complete Guide

In this blog post, we will explore how to effectively manage cookies using the Response.cookie() method in Express. Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored on the client-side and are commonly used for tracking user sessions, maintaining user preferences, and personalizing web experiences.

The Response.cookie() method allows you to set or manipulate cookies in Express. It takes two required parameters: the name of the cookie and its value. Here’s an example of setting a basic cookie:

res.cookie('username', 'Flavio')

You can also pass a third parameter to the Response.cookie() method, which is an object containing various options for the cookie. These options can provide more control over the behavior of the cookie. Let’s look at some examples:

res.cookie('username', 'Flavio', { 
domain: '.flaviocopes.com',
path: '/administrator',
secure: true

res.cookie('username', 'Flavio', {
expires: new Date(Date.now() + 900000),
httpOnly: true

There are several key options that you can set when using the Response.cookie() method:

  • domain: Defines the domain name for the cookie. This helps in setting a cookie for a specific subdomain or a domain.

  • expires: Specifies the expiration date of the cookie. If this option is not set or set to 0, the cookie will be a session cookie and will expire when the user closes their browser.

  • httpOnly: Sets the cookie to be accessible only by the web server. This option enhances the security of the cookie by preventing client-side scripts from accessing its value.

  • maxAge: Sets the expiry time of the cookie relative to the current time. The time is expressed in milliseconds.

  • path: Defines the path for which the cookie is valid. If not specified, the cookie will be valid for all paths (‘/‘).

  • secure: Marks the cookie as accessible only over HTTPS. This ensures that the cookie’s value is secure and cannot be intercepted.

  • signed: Sets the cookie to be signed. This adds an additional layer of security by ensuring that the cookie value has not been tampered with.

  • sameSite: Specifies the value of the SameSite attribute for the cookie. It helps protect against cross-site request forgery attacks.

Clearing Cookies

To clear a cookie, you can use the res.clearCookie() method. Simply pass the name of the cookie as a parameter. Here’s an example:


By using the Response.cookie() method and its options, you can efficiently manage cookies in your Express applications. This allows you to control the behavior and security of your cookies, providing a better user experience.

Tags: Express, Cookies, Web Development