
Electronic Components: Resistors

Electronic Components: Resistors

A resistor is an essential electronic component that is designed to impede the flow of electrical current within a circuit. There exists a wide variety of resistors available, constructed using different materials and offering varying levels of resistance. In my collection, I currently possess the following resistors:

  • 10Ω
  • 220Ω
  • 330Ω
  • 1kΩ
  • 2kΩ
  • 5kΩ
  • 10kΩ
  • 100kΩ
  • 1MΩ

Each resistor value is distinctly represented by a unique color combination, aiding in easy identification. Interpreting these color bands requires a specific skill, though online tools like this resistor color code calculator can be utilized for assistance.

The resistors mentioned above are categorized as fixed resistors, meaning their resistance value remains constant. However, there are other types of resistors, including potentiometers that enable users to modify resistance, as well as thermistors and photoresistors that adjust their resistance based on temperature and light, respectively.

In a previous blog post, we explored how resistors play a crucial role in regulating the flow of current in a circuit, as demonstrated in the LED and battery circuit example.

tags: [“electronic components”, “resistors”, “resistor color codes”, “fixed resistors”, “potentiometers”, “thermistors”, “photoresistors.”]