
Electronic Components: Buzzers

Electronic Components: Buzzers

Buzzers are electronic components that are used to generate sound. In this blog, we will explore the different types of buzzers and their functionalities.

Active Buzzers

Active buzzers are a type of buzzer that have additional logic compared to passive buzzers. They require a direct current (DC) connection and are more expensive than passive buzzers. To generate sound with an active buzzer, you need to connect a 0V wire and a signal wire, alternately switching between high and low voltage levels at different frequencies based on the desired sound.

Here is an image of an active buzzer:
Active Buzzer

Passive Buzzers

Passive buzzers, as the name suggests, do not have additional logic and are less expensive than active buzzers. They require a pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal to generate sound. In Arduino, you can use the analogWrite() function to issue a PWM signal to a passive buzzer. One advantage of passive buzzers is that they can play little songs using the tone() function provided by the Arduino language.

Here is an image of a passive buzzer:
Passive Buzzer

The key difference between active and passive buzzers is the way they generate sound and the type of signal they require.


Buzzers are versatile components that can be used to generate sound in electronic projects. Understanding the differences between active and passive buzzers can help you choose the right one for your specific application.

tags: [“electronic components”, “buzzers”, “active buzzers”, “passive buzzers”, “sound generation”, “Arduino”, “PWM”, “tone() function.”]