
How to Update a Deployed Container Based on a Docker Image

How to Update a Deployed Container Based on a Docker Image

If you’ve made changes to a Docker image on Docker Hub and need to update a deployed container with the latest version, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the running container:

    docker stop <ID or name>
  2. Remove the container:

    docker rm <ID or name>
  3. Pull the updated image from Docker Hub:

    docker pull <image name>
  4. Start a new container using the updated image and the same options used during the initial deployment:

    docker run <image name> ...options

Manually performing these steps for each update may not be practical, especially in a production environment. To automate the process, consider using tools like Watchtower. Watchtower, deployed as a Docker container itself, allows you to set up a workflow that monitors changes on Docker Hub or any other image registry. It can gracefully shut down the existing container and restart it with the most recent version of the image, using the same deployment options.

Tags: Docker, container management, image update, automation