
How to Style Lists Using CSS

How to Style Lists Using CSS

Lists are an essential component of many web pages. Fortunately, CSS provides several properties to style and customize them. In this blog post, we will explore some of the key properties that you can utilize to enhance the visual appearance of your lists.


The list-style-type property allows you to set a predefined marker for your list items. By default, browsers use the bulleted list style (disc). However, you can easily change this by assigning a different value to list-style-type. For example, to change the marker to squares, you can use the following CSS code:

li {
list-style-type: square;

There are various possible values for list-style-type, such as circle, square, none, and many more. You can find a comprehensive list of these values with visual examples here.


If the predefined markers don’t suit your needs, you can use the list-style-image property to add a custom image as the marker. This is particularly useful when you want to create a unique visual style for your lists. To do this, you need to provide the URL of the desired image in the list-style-image property.

li {
list-style-image: url(list-image.png);

By utilizing this property, you have the freedom to use any image as the marker for your list items.


By default, the list marker appears outside the list item’s content. However, you can control its positioning using the list-style-position property. This property allows you to choose whether the marker should be displayed inside the list item or outside of its content.

li {
list-style-position: inside;

This can be particularly useful when you want the marker to be a part of the text flow within the page rather than appearing outside of it.

list-style (Shorthand Property)

To simplify your CSS code and set multiple list properties at once, you can utilize the list-style shorthand property. With list-style, you can specify the list-style-image and list-style-position properties in a single line. For example:

li {
list-style: url(list-image.png) inside;

Using this shorthand property streamlines your code and makes it more concise.

By employing these CSS properties (list-style-type, list-style-image, list-style-position, and list-style), you can easily style your lists based on your design requirements. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different options to create visually appealing and engaging lists that enhance your web pages.

Tags: CSS, lists, styling, web development