
The CSS calc() function: Perform Math Operations in CSS

The CSS calc() function: Perform Math Operations in CSS

The CSS calc() function is a powerful tool that allows you to perform basic math operations on values within your CSS code. It is particularly useful for adding or subtracting length values from percentages. In this blog post, we will explore the functionality of the calc() function and provide examples of how it can be used.

How the CSS calc() Function Works

To utilize the calc() function, you need to specify the math operation you want to perform within the parentheses. Here is an example:

div {
max-width: calc(80% - 100px);

In this example, the calc() function subtracts 100px from 80% and returns a length value. This value can then be applied to any CSS property that expects a pixel value.

The calc() function supports several math operations, including:

  • Addition using +
  • Subtraction using -
  • Multiplication using *
  • Division using /

Important Note

When using the calc() function for addition and subtraction, it is essential to include spaces around the + or - operator. Otherwise, the function may not work as expected.

Here are a couple of examples showcasing the calc() function in action:

div {
max-width: calc(50% / 3);

In this example, the calc() function divides 50% by 3 to determine the maximum width of the div element.

div {
max-width: calc(50% + 3px);

In this example, the calc() function adds 3px to 50% to set the maximum width of the div element.

By utilizing the calc() function, you can perform complex calculations with ease, allowing for more dynamic and responsive CSS designs.

Tags: CSS, calc(), math operations, length values, percentages