
Building an SEO Friendly System for Your Blog

Building an SEO Friendly System for Your Blog

As a developer, I understand the power of systems. They provide structure, consistency, and help us stay on track. When it comes to blogging, having a system in place can simplify the process and make it more efficient.

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the system I use for my own blog. While it may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, it serves as a great starting point that you can customize to create your own perfect system.

Consistency is Key

Consistency is crucial when it comes to blogging. Not only does it help build trust with your audience, but it also trains your brain to become the type of blogger who posts regularly. By creating a consistent posting schedule, you become the person who “just does” instead of someone who “tries to.”

According to Robert Cialdini, author of the book Influence, once we make a choice and commit to it, we feel pressured to behave consistently with that choice. By establishing a pattern of regular posting, you condition yourself to continue that behavior and become known for it.

Consider popular examples like Rand Fishkin’s Whiteboard Friday or MPJ’s FunFunFunction. By consistently releasing content on specific days, they’ve created a sense of anticipation among their fans who eagerly await their next post or video.

Scheduling Posts Ahead of Time

Staying consistent can be challenging, especially when unexpected events or vacations come up. Missing a day can easily lead to missing more days, which disrupts the flow of your blog and makes it difficult to regain your rhythm.

To combat this, I recommend scheduling posts ahead of time. Before launching your blog, write and queue up at least three posts. By starting with a backlog, you create a buffer that allows you to maintain your posting frequency.

Have a Queue

Early on in my blogging journey, I stumbled upon the concept of creating a queue by accident. I had other projects that didn’t reach the level of success I had hoped for, and they involved extensive guides on topics that interested me. Instead of letting those guides go to waste, I transformed each chapter into individual blog posts and queued them up.

Since implementing this system, I haven’t let my queue dry up for over 700 days. Even on days when I reached the end of the queue, I made sure to replenish it promptly. The fear of breaking my streak and the guilt of not continuing to create content provided the motivation to keep going.

Finding the Right Frequency

Determining how often to post is a crucial part of your system. Start with a frequency you can sustain consistently over time. Begin with posting once per week, create a queue, and see if you can stick to it for 2-3 months. Once your queue becomes too long, indicating a post you write today won’t be published for several months, consider increasing the frequency.

It’s always easier to scale up your posting frequency than to decrease it due to an unsustainable initial schedule. Consistency and frequency build an expectation among your audience, and when you fail to meet it, they may feel disconnected and uncertain.

Focus on Quality

When it comes to blogging, quality trumps quantity. Don’t force yourself to create numerous posts if you don’t have enough time available. Instead, aim for one high-quality post per week that you can be proud of. People perceive and associate your worth with the quality of your work, so focus on creating helpful and valuable content.

Embrace the Process

Productivity is often best achieved by focusing on the process rather than the outcome. Concentrate your energy on creating the best possible blog post that you can. Don’t worry about how many people will read it or whether they’ll like it. These external factors are beyond your control. By concentrating on the work itself, you ensure that it is the best version of your efforts.

Streamline Your Process

Keep your blogging process lean by removing any unnecessary steps or resistances. The goal is to make it as simple and streamlined as possible. Eliminate roadblocks and anything that hinders your progress. Strive for a seamless workflow that allows you to focus solely on writing great blog posts.

Maintain a Topic List

As a busy blogger, you may not always have a topic ready to write about. Keep a list of potential topics handy that you can refer to when needed. Jot down ideas or store them in your favorite writing application. Having a list of titles to choose from ensures that you never run out of ideas or inspiration.

Capitalize on High Energy Days

Some days, you’ll have an abundance of energy and motivation for writing blog posts, while other days may leave you feeling drained. Take advantage of those high energy days by writing multiple posts in one sitting and adding them to your queue. When your energy is low, be grateful for the productivity you achieved on those high energy days.

In conclusion, establishing a systematic approach to your blogging endeavors sets you up for success. Consistency, scheduling, quality over quantity, and focusing on the process are the key components that make up an effective system. By adopting these practices and customizing them to fit your needs, you can create a blog that thrives.

Tags: blogging system, consistency, scheduling posts, quality content, productivity, writing process