
Build Your Own Platform: Why It's Important and How to Do It

Build Your Own Platform: Why It’s Important and How to Do It

In today’s world, being a solo maker requires a diverse set of skills. Not only do you need to be able to create and market your products, but you also need to have a strong online presence. This means knowing how to build and manage a website, create engaging content, and navigate social media platforms. While it’s possible to outsource these tasks to experts, there are several benefits to having your own platform.

What is a Platform?

A platform refers to the digital space where you showcase your work, connect with your audience, and promote your products or services. It can take many forms, such as a blog, a static website, or a forum. The key is that it should have certain features:

  • Complete Freedom: You should have full control over your platform, including the ability to make changes and customize it as desired.

  • Direct Communication: Your platform should enable you to connect with your users directly, without relying on third-party platforms.

  • Data Accessibility: It’s important to be able to extract data from your platform whenever you need it, without any restrictions.

  • Independence: By having your own platform, you won’t be at the mercy of decisions made by other platforms or services.

The Importance of Your Website

Your website is the operational center of your platform. It serves as your headquarters and should be the main hub for all your online activities. Any other platforms or social media channels you use should be tools to drive traffic to your website. While there are many technologies available to build your website, it’s recommended to use a self-hosted solution like WordPress.org. This gives you more flexibility and control over your site.

Your website’s content and organization will depend on your specific goals and target audience. Whether you have a blog, an e-commerce store, or a personal portfolio, your website should reflect your brand and provide value to your visitors.

The Power of an Email List

While social media platforms may seem dominant in today’s digital landscape, email marketing remains a crucial tool for online businesses. Building an email list allows you to establish direct contact with your audience, nurture relationships, and drive conversions over time. People on your email list have explicitly expressed interest in your content or products, making them more likely to convert into customers.

To entice people to join your email list, you can offer a small gift called a lead magnet. This can be a report, a free ebook, or exclusive access to premium content. The key is to offer something valuable and relevant to your target audience. Once someone joins your list, you can use automated email sequences to guide them through a nurturing process and ultimately make offers.

An effective email list strategy involves continuously providing value, building relationships, and keeping your subscribers engaged. It’s important to focus on the needs and interests of your customers rather than solely promoting your own products or services.

Utilizing Your Email List

Depending on what you offer, there are various ways to leverage your email list:

  • If you sell ebooks: Offer a free ebook as a lead magnet and upsell other ebooks to your subscribers. Keep them updated with your latest content and promotions.

  • If you sell info products: Follow the typical email sequence example used by successful blogs. Offer a part of your product as a lead magnet and guide subscribers through a series of emails that build interest and trust.

  • If you have a software product: Use your email list to keep your customers informed about updates, new releases, and upcoming products. Cross-promote with other developers and foster a community around your software.

Remember, the goal of your email list is to build loyalty, create a relationship, and provide value to your subscribers. While selling your products is important, it should always be done in a way that prioritizes the customer’s needs.


Having your own platform is essential for any solo maker or online business. It gives you complete control, direct communication with your audience, and the ability to collect and utilize valuable data. Your website serves as the heart of your platform, while your email list allows you to establish and nurture relationships with your audience. By investing time in learning the necessary skills or hiring experts to assist you, you can create a strong and successful online presence.

Tags: platform, website, email list, digital marketing, online business