
How to Use uBlock Origin to Block Distractions

How to Use uBlock Origin to Block Distractions

Distractions on the internet can be a major obstacle when trying to focus on work or solve problems. While there are several apps available to block websites, sometimes you may not want to block an entire site, but rather specific elements within it. This is where uBlock Origin can come in handy. In this article, we will discuss how to use uBlock Origin to block distractions on specific web pages.

The Problem with Distractions

We all know how easy it is to get sidetracked while browsing the internet. Whether it’s the temptation to check social media or the allure of interesting questions on forums like StackOverflow, distractions can easily derail productivity. While blocking entire websites can help, it may not always be the ideal solution, particularly if there are certain elements within a site that you still need to access.

Enter uBlock Origin

uBlock Origin is a powerful browser extension that not only blocks ads but can also be used to block specific elements on web pages. Here’s how you can utilize it to block distractions:

  1. Install uBlock Origin: If you haven’t done so already, download and install the uBlock Origin extension for your preferred browser.

  2. Enter Element Picker Mode: Once the extension is installed, click on the uBlock Origin icon in your toolbar. Then, click on the picker icon to enter element picker mode.

  3. Select the Element You Want to Block: With the picker mode enabled, click on the specific part of the page that you want to block. This can be a distracting sidebar, a section with unrelated content, or anything else that is taking your attention away from your work.

  4. Create the Block: After selecting the element, click the “Create” button in the uBlock Origin interface. This will block the chosen element from appearing on the page.

  5. Enjoy a Distraction-Free Experience: Once the block is created, reload the page, and the distracting element should be gone. This will enhance your productivity and allow you to focus on the task at hand.

Limitations and Considerations

While uBlock Origin is a great tool for blocking distractions, it’s important to note that it may not work perfectly on all websites. Some sites may have complex CSS structures or use automated class and ID names that make blocking specific elements more challenging. Additionally, changes in page design or class names can affect the effectiveness of the block over time.


By using uBlock Origin and taking advantage of its element blocking features, you can regain control over your online experience and minimize distractions. While it may not be foolproof on every website, it’s certainly worth exploring as a solution to block out unwanted elements and maintain focus. Give it a try and see how it improves your productivity!

tags: [“distractions”, “uBlock Origin”, “website blocking”, “productivity”]